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Browse:6619 Release time:2018/10/7
I believe that many mothers have had such confusion: What is the child thinking? Why is he/she doing this? What is their inner world like? Due to the limitations of cognition and the natural imagination, children sometimes don't know how to express their inner thoughts directly in words, but they will express them in other ways, such as painting and singing.
Picasso once said: "Every child is an artist. The question is how to maintain the talent of the artist when he grows up."
Einstein also said: "Imagination is more important than knowledge, because knowledge is limited to what we already know and understand; and imagination embraces the entire universe, and everything we want to know and understand in the future. Real wisdom is not knowledge. It's imagination."
Every child is unique and has a rich imagination and unique creativity, and uses it to communicate with parents and the world. Parents should open and protect the child's nature in all appropriate ways. This is a great way for children to have true wisdom.
Painting with your heart is a great way for your child to make the most of their imagination and creativity.
Painting with your heart is to let the child fully release his talents and paint freely in his own way, so that he can express his inner world, communicate with the real world, and more importantly, be able to experience happiness and grow up like a real child! It is forbidden to use adult thinking and methods to limit children's paintings, which will be counterproductive.
Some parents may have concerns: What if the child accidentally swallows food? What should I do with dust inhalation? What should I do if I destroy my home? Xiaobian said that there is a painting artifact, Howshow Intelligent Children's Drawing Board, which can make the baby play the extraordinary creativity and make the treasure mother feel relieved. How does it eliminate doubts?
1, a new experience, away from the tradition
In general, traditional painting materials may cause bites, ingestion, dust inhalation, and destruction of the home. With the smart children's drawing board, it's easy and worry-free.
2, one button clear screen, can be reused
A smart children's drawing board can be written 100,000 times, and the screen can be restored with a single touch.
3, flexible LCD screen, healthy and not hurting eyes
Green handwriting shows natural writing, zero radiation and safer.
4, low power standby, 12 months long battery life
The writing display does not consume electricity, and the power is consumed by one button, and one battery is used for at least one year.
5, PC + ABS shell, anti-shock
Choose a solid material for a naturally active baby.
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Add: Building B, Xingyuan Science and Technology Building, Guxing community, Xixiang Street, Bao'an District, Shenzhen City
Business Consulting:18917305488(HowShow)
R & D base
Add: Xingyuan Science and Technology Building, Building 101,201,202,203,601, Guxing Community, Xixiang Street, Bao'an District, Shenzhen City
深圳市好寫科技有限公司 粵ICP備16084140號 液晶手寫板廠家、光能黑板、兒童寫字畫板、靜態塑膠玩具、手寫畫板
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